Thursday 31 May 2012

Exploding head day

I have the worst headache today my sinus is all blocked up I'm a mess. Sorry just having a sook. problem problems problems seem to jump from one mess to another sarah / chrissie   sarah / garry  my car the lemon celly's dogs andy's work what future is there if any the house inside and out then to top off my cake theirs my health. sometimes its not worth getting out of bed today is one of those days.I have no-one to talk to as they all have problems much bigger than mine. I know I'II be ok just sooking sometimes just writing it down helps it go away whats that saying   "suck it up princess" I'm going back to bed before my head explodes everything seems worse when you have a headache tata for now

Monday 21 May 2012

May regrets

21 st may 2012
My hubby's in tassy its very quite here with him gone. I feel a little wobbly when he's not around, I always hope that its not putting too much pressure on him . He is such a darling I miss him something awful. Its my sons birthday tomorrow he will be 32 years old, I've not had much to do with him since he where 14 years old he went to live with his father, well really I made him go there. I don't regret the reasons at the time , but I have missed him something horrible. I often see mums with grown up sons, and my heart aches knowing I have a son who doesn't want to be around me. Well I suppose that's the price I had to pay. Cel says he's doing well and is nice to be around that makes it a bit easier to take. maybe one day I will have him back, its not looking as though it will be anytime soon.

Sunday 13 May 2012


lifes been a bit stressed lately Poor hubby getting attacked at every turn there closing down his college.
not only do they carry on like pork chops at work but they are ringing him at home. Its not fair its too much stress I'm getting really worried for him he looks so tired, nods off all the time. just have to get through the next years or so and I'm sure things will be better, its the getting through that could be tricky I'II keep you posted

Wednesday 2 May 2012

A little lost

Hello self   how are you really?
Well where do I start
inability to clean house make dr app ect?
I'm tired so very tired right down to my bones, worried sick about things I can't control
No matter what I say or do it makes no real difference
Most of the time I don't even want to get out of bed .
I don't often leave the house now.
Things in my head are driving me up the wall
This is always a bad time of year for me but this year I feel battered from all sides.
An over whelming sadness.
I wish I had someone to talk to
But at the moment everyone else seems to have bigger nastier problems than I do.
They have enough without me adding to there already overloaded minds and souls.
I just pray I'II get some sleep maybe tomorrow I will be able to force myself into
a better mind fingers crossed.