Thursday 31 January 2013

Odd Day

I feel rather odd today, I don't really know why I try to do things and I forget what I'm doing and end up doing something else or just being totally confused as to what I am doing. I have a heavyness to me today. Missing things. My moods have been all over the place I really just want to sleep more than anything Im not tired I think I just want the peacefulness that comes with sleep I have been having a hard time trying to get off to sleep very annoying. Andy went away to Perth WA last week for 2 days this week it was Albary for 2 days its part of his job I know that but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Bracken seems to be having a better day today I'm glad. Everything seems to hard to day I wonder why I feel like this. Even watching tv is too hard reading too hard what a strange day. I am missing my folks

Wednesday 30 January 2013


Our Bracken is dieing. Its so sad to watch him struggle to get up, he is such a wonderful dog I wish things were better for him but while he keeps going we will help him anyway we can Love our boy so much keeping my fingers crossed for a cure to old age wish me luck. Its not easy but he is more than worth it.

Friday 18 January 2013


We live in the land of DEATH it is nothing to be feared everything has its time and when there time has ended they go. I have a family that doesn’t seem to understand the basic principal of the land of Death. Everything on this planet is born …..lives…then dies.
How is that so hard to understand?
We celebrate Birth why not celebrate Death?
Its all the same thing
I was Born … I live …..later I will die.
Its quite easy to understand.
My daughter Celly believes that everything you do, can cause your Death. This is just not true, you can only Die when its your time no matter what you do.
You can make you life easier with you decisions but you can’t make yourself Die.
Somewhere along the line I have failed her .Her understanding of Death is very strange to me as with a lot of her beliefs, there must be a reason she does not understand. 
I must try to work out this puzzle maybe it has something to do with her need for material things??
We are Witches from a long line of witches, I have told her often maybe she doesn’t except this, that would explain a lot.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Weird week

I almost lost my Bracken last Monday he had been unable to stand by himself and was in constant pain Andy and I decided that was unfair so we booked him in to be put down 1:30pm Monday 14th Jan 2013. half an hour before we went he came good interested in things he even wanted to go for a walk you could have knocked me down with a feather I was so shocked it was as if nothing was wrong with him, we took him to the vet (Sara) and we talked options which an hour before I didn't think we had any. So the vet gave him an injection (2 I think) and sent us all home with pills for him. He's almost back to normal a bit wobbly in the back legs still can't get himself up but he is enjoying life again I could be more relieved or happy to have my boy still . I know it won't last years (mores the pity) but for now its one day at a time, its better than winning tatts,
I got really angry today and I fought so hard to stop it but couldnt Andy hugged me and I felt so much better there is nothing more magical than a hug from someone you love who loves you Weird week but at the same time AWESOME xx love my boys I'm so lucky

Saturday 5 January 2013

New Year

Well here we are in a new year 2013 wow Time is going by so fast.
went to Celly's for Xmas lunch and Chrissies for a late lunch made Chrissie cry well done a few days later we went to see Greg and his wife Lyne made Greg cry too I'm doing really well.
Just had 2 blistering hot days Trixy came and stayed for 2 days with Alex it was so nice to see them.
Xmas is always hard memoriers  of years gone by I've been up and down the hot weather never helps.
Saw the grand kids on Xmas day that was great I miss the little monkeys when I don't see them phone call rather late from Elvira her husband has walked out again hope thats an end to it. There life will be better without him the way he carriers on. Finished last year with a 5 week court case I was on Jury Duty it was soooooo boring glad thats over drug case not nice at all finished on the 21st of december 2011. then Xmas a few days later what a plalarver. Hoping this year will be better.