Thursday 28 February 2013

MARCH already

Feeling quite foggy today . I pulled the muscle in my tummy from lifting Bracken off the floor poor baby his body is slowly dieing. I love him so much its going to be very sad and not have his happy smiling face to greet me.
Kaye came over today and helped me do the shopping I couldn't have done it without her she's a really good friend.
I miss Andy, even when he is here I know he's not poor darling we just have to wait til his company works things out I just wish it were easiler on him I hate seeing him so tired and there is nothing I can do.
I'm very lucky to have him in my life I really don't know what I would do without him He gives the best cuddles.
My brain isn't working too good I keep forgetting stuff
Well all I have to do now is get better
Wish me Luck  :)

Wednesday 13 February 2013


Its HOT not my fav time of the year. Much prefer winter autumn or spring. Andy's in W.A. poor darling working in factory's in this heat which its much hotter there than here.  I miss him its like someone has taken a part of me away, he will be home tomorrow night. Had a massage today still in pain nothing new there. Took Bracken to the vets he has put on 2kg from the meds but is still doing well . Took rose as well the other cats have been having a go at her over the past few days its really strange The Vet (Sara) took a blood test we find out tomorrow whats wrong if anything Lucy is going to a new groomer tomorrow her name is Racheal she lives in Dandenong. Hope it goes well. 
Feeling a little lost