Tuesday 30 September 2014

sad day

went to trixy's mum's funeral 29th (today) it was sad but a releif that poor lal was no longer in pain she been so unwell these past few years in a nursing home not being able to feed her self barely beibg able to walk or talk and stroke after stroke after stroke. she was such a beautiful person in looks and in self. trixy's holding up really well l think its  a relief its finally over watching someone you love slip inch by inch can just be too much to bare.
trixy has been divorced 1 yr  now settlement has finally gone through she's thinking of moving back to melbourne to live that will be great. l wonder what her boys will do stay in tassy or move here. lm glad she has finally gotten rid of that evil control freak. now she can be happy and live as she pleases without being insulted 24/7
kay (kerryn) was at the funeral it was brilliant catching up with her, funny she hasnt changed that much at all reminds me a bit of celly with all her diamonds and pearls.
she remembers alot about my 1st marriage l suppose because we where still in touch then. the look on Andy's face poor darling l think it made it a bit too real.
funny Kay knows more about that time than my own kids.
weird my children dont really know me at all
l think alot but l dont tell anyone cos no one really wants to know l understand that if l had a choice l wouldnt want to know either
l hope l see her again
lm so sore and so bone tired but not sleepy my mind is racing in circles l suppose lm lonely its a weird feeling lve never really felt lonely before it will pass lm just tired